Ride the Boards

Johhny Croston, Tom Butler & Matt Brooks getting used to the fixed
wheel lark at Manchester Velodrome.

Matt Brooks, Tom Butler and Johnny Croston accepted an invitation extended by Saddleworth Clarion to Clarion members to join them in a private track session on Manchester Velodrome held on Sunday 10th July. 

Thanks to Chris Moreman, “The Emu of Toledo”, other Saddleworth Clarionistas, and a British Cycling track coach, our trio had “an awesome 2 hours” according to Matt, Tom agreed, described the session as a great evening.

Johnny Croston took the photographs except those featuring himself, when he coopted bystanders to do the ‘snapping’ for him.

To give participants a feel for riding the track in anger, there was a flying start 1000 metres event in which the Calder riders aquitted themselves well, though Tom Butler applied a self imposed handicap by following the blue rather than the black line around the allowed boards.

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