Tom Butler riding the 2010 Club 25 |
Tom Butler won the club 10mile championship with a 28-04, 2nd was Andrew Spittlelhouse 28-40, 3rd Paul Lee 29-35, !st Handicap T. Butler, 2nd Handicap A Spittlehouse 3rd Handicap Paul Lee. 1st vet on standard T.Butler with a minus 1-48, 2nd A Spittlehouse minus 2-58, 3rd P Lee minus -3-05.
Martin Price is the 25 mile championship with 1-6-06, 2nd T Butler 1-9-18, 3rd P Lee 1-10-18, 1st Handicap P Lee, 2nd T Butler, 3rd A Spittlehouse, 1st Vet on standard M Price, minus 0-06 2nd equal T Butler and P Howard on minus 1-18.
Winner of the Wakefield Area Youth Service Trophy on the V913 Ackworth Course was Ian Lindsay Sowerby Brothers CRT with 24-55, 2nd Howard Firth Sowerby Brothers CRT in
24-59 and 3rd Richard Bairstow Sowerby Bros CRT 25-19.